Demo Day Summary
ECOMATPRO® Pte Ltd Demonstration Event. July commenced with an early start and a great day at the Cengkareng golf corporate facility. Cengkareng management (Kurt) kindly approved a site adjacent to the clubhouse, our engineers installed and connected samples of the standard and Gripper mat. ECOMATPRO global sales presented an overview of the matting design and applications to a full house of Snr executives, from the Mining / Civil engineering and energy sectors. Our Director and Jakarta Engineering facility manager remained on hand, providing support for technical and commercial queries.
A great deal of positive feedback ensued, the density of the bamboo certainly surprised many. While our ability to bespoke design access mats, stock pile bases, and entry/exit ramps with the gripper design generated a great deal of interest and appreciation for our unique solution. We would like to sincerely thank all of those who kindly made the time in their busy schedule to attend. ECOMATPRO engineering are already busy with specific designs.